Rose City Band – ‘Garden Party’ (2023)

Uncategorized February 3, 2023

Rose City Band – ‘Garden Party’ (2023)

The Rose City Band, America’s premier carefree psychedelic country rock band is out with their new album ‘Garden Party,’ a unique celebration for the summer we’re all anticipating, finally able to kick winter to the curb.

Rose City is one of those effortlessly spirited bands who roll into town like the circus, filled with wonder and joy, the same wonder and joy you found on their very first release, entirely focused with the jangling meandering tunes you’ve come to love and expect, though ever so slightly different. Nevertheless, Ripley Johnson and his own Merry Pranksters still embody laidback clean swirling guitars, singularly tight solos that are wrapped around a driving, though not relentless rocking rhythm section, over which magical organs swell to the most pristine pedal steel meanderings you’re ever gonna hear.

It’s all a magical slow burn, a bit of homespun cosmic bliss carried forward by one of the most relaxed, comfortable, charming vocal and harmonic presentations of all time, one that gives you time and space to soar with transcendent wanderlust. The music of Rose City works so well because it’s a communal effort, where each musician is able to step forward and present their own visionary skills, then step back without missing a beat, becoming part of the whole again. There is no one today doing what Rose City manages to do, perhaps no one ever has, as when the songs roll on, I’m forever feeling that I’m lost in a lucid dream, dearly hoping it’s never going to end.

*** The Fun Facts: The album’s available as a CD, on black, transparent blue and glow-in-the-dark (first pressing) green vinyl. All versions come with a Garden Party sticker that features the album cover.

Jenell Kesler

Rose City Band – ‘Garden Party’ (Thrill Jockey, 2023)

Rose City Band – ‘Earth Trip’ (2021)

Rose City Band – ‘Summerlong’ (2020)

Rose City Band – ‘Rose City Band’ (2019)

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