Ross Beattie presents It’s Psychedelic Baby podcast #96 (May)
Embark on a journey through the kaleidoscopic landscapes of sound, guided by the rhythms of the past and present, with The Night Tripper’s podcast.
Shellac- Girl From Outside (00:00)
Stone Witches- Centrefold (04:00)
Population II- R.B. (07:15)
The Jonny Halifax Invocation- Thank You (12:05)
The Movements- Mother, Someday I’m Going To Be An Astronaut (14:40)
Crazy Doberman- Inverted Pyramids Projected Slowly From The Firmament (22:00)
Græns- Automagi (28:20)
Causa Sui- Sorcerer’s Disciple (32:05)
Helicon & Al Lover- Permo (Al Lover Remix) (40:00)
The Sonic Dawn- Micro Cosmos In A Drop (45:40)
MONO- Run On (50:20)
Monde UFO- Amen (59:35)
SAY ft. Crowspeak- Ungrounded (65:10)
Pigbaby- I Don’t Believe In Jesus But Three Grams Of These Mushrooms Is Making Me Feel Some Kinda Way (68:24)

Don’t hesitate to send your music directly to Ross for consideration in upcoming podcasts at:
Ross Beattie, a poet and professional drop-out, who originally hails from London but now resides in the Highlands of Scotland, is the creative force behind The Night Tripper, crafting independent radio programs and podcasts.