‘The Ghost of Gene Tripp’ by Gene Tripp | Album Premiere

Uncategorized January 20, 2023

‘The Ghost of Gene Tripp’ by Gene Tripp | Album Premiere

Exclusive album premiere of ‘The Ghost of Gene Tripp’ by Gene Tripp, out January 27th, 2023 via Moone Records and Sick Sick Sick.

Gene Tripp is the world that artist and composer, Jay Hufman created for his words and sounds to exist in. You can hear his low and trembling voice echoing through the six realms of existence, and delivered by a spell. A melancholy landscape storied with failure and escaped dreams. Terrifying hallucinations soundtracked with walls of noise, roaring fuzz and sideways acoustic guitar plucks. Hufman is unmanufactured and void of tricks. His music is propped up by the cold hands of darkness and then crushed by the weight of emptiness.

“I moved with my family to Tucson during the last half of 2020. In the throes of the lowest low, feeling displaced, groundless, missing whatever it is we call a home, I started making a record in a rented practice space next to waterworks studio. Acoustic guitar, lowrey organ, fuzz and delay, no drums. Inspiration from a floating cloud out in the wild. Joel Robinson of sunn trio moans the dilruba blues. Josh Hill throws up a lush orchestra to swallow the manic noise. This ghost is all that remains from a certain moment in time. Thank you for listening.”

‘The Ghost of Gene Tripp’ marks his third release under the name, and is his most lavish work to date. It’s bleak, untethered, and transgressive. This album captures the essence of his magic and puts it on full display. It’s just breathtaking!

Gene Tripp Bandcamp
Moone Records Official Website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Bandcamp
Sick Sick Sick Official Website / Facebook

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