
Ross Beattie presents It’s Psychedelic Baby podcast #80 (January)

January 22, 2023



Ross Beattie presents It’s Psychedelic Baby podcast #80 (January)

New podcast by The Night Tripper!

Psychic Graveyard- I’m Not Going To Your Seance
SLIFT- The Real Unseen
Kanaan- Hyperstate
Marc Urselli’s SteppenDoom- Tamag & Ocmah
Polymoon- Helicaling
Pijn- Weave In
Jerry Garcia & Howard Wales- Space Funk (Live)
Earth- Rocker
The Body- Shelter Is Illusory
Maggot- The Great Wall Of Aria
CB3- To Space And Away
Tamesis- Into Space
The Jonny Halifax Invocation- The Time Of The Wolves
Ak’chamel, The Giver Of Illness- To Travel The Path Of Every Sickness

Feel free to submit your music directly to Ross for upcoming podcast at: ross_bt@yahoo.com

Ross Beattie – Poet, hermit, professional drop out – Originally from London now lives in the Highlands of Scotland and produces independent radio programs and podcasts as The Night Tripper.

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