
On the Cusp by George Kinney

June 12, 2013

On the Cusp by George Kinney

               Remember when everybody was all excited by
astrology? Mainly during the 60s but before and after that time span, people
have tried to focus on some non-tangible source of influence an direction that
will save them from all kinds of negative things, from burning in hell to
avoiding poison ivy. I have studied extensively every imaginable system by
which to progress in our evolutionary development. My library is cram-packed
with books and essays looking at the various pathways and modalities available
to mankind to further evolve in the most beneficial way. I have read the
writing of many, many wise people who have devoted their lives to this kind of
investigation, many of whose writings I have had to really concentrate on due
to my fundamental lack of technical understanding of higher mathematics and
               However, being a good and curious
soldier, I have managed to muddle on through the fog, and I have, at age 66,
come to some interesting temporary conclusions that I would like to share with
readers. I am not inviting debate on these ideas, I am just throwing them out
there for readers to debate within themselves. I don’t have time anymore to
argue my points, just to offer them for inspection in the hope that some of
them might prove beneficial.
latest quasi-epiphanal concept deals with a general level that I believe us
humans have achieved and from which we must evolve past in order to fulfull our
most beneficial evolutionary set of possibilities. This is not really a new
idea at all. Generations have always thought they were on such a cusp of
historical significance, right on the brink of some scientific, spiritual, or
social breakthrough. But I think our current cluster of generations have
reached a major, extremely important plateau of being. I justify this belief in
the uniqueness of our situation on two primary ideas. The first is simply the
arrow of time, i.e, it is most natural that we would develop over time and gain
from our past experiences the knowledge to aide us in prospering as a species
in the future. But that fact alone would not explain any particularly unique
aspect of our current era. Looking a fossil records assures us of progression
of a physiological nature, so too, improvements in the complexity of social and
psychological systems and modalities. In other words, we can tell by examining
the fossil records that what is termed the theory of evolution is sound and in
fact, we did derive from previous species. But there are other very important
aspects of our evolution that are not explained by examining the bone records
and though anthropologists strive to answer many of the questions that arise
regarding those more psychological elements of our evolutionary pathway, there
are many fundamental questions or areas of investigation that remain vague and
without much practical investigation and have not resulted in much in the way of
tangible or documentable evidence.
have written extensively about what I and others have termed psychological
evolution. For a most informative account of the latest in the scientific
discoveries regarding this fascinating subject, I refer the reader to Amit
Goswami’s book, Creative Evolution, available through Amazon and most
established book sellers. My point in this brief essay is to convey a kind of
synopsis or synthesis on this subject that may lead the reader to further
explore the significance of this subject.
idea is that to progress toward more beneficial solutions to our problems and
challenges as a species, we most definitely need to clarify our fundamental
understanding of what kind of thing we are and what are the parameters within
which we operate and if those parameters, once discovered, are stationary or
modular, that is, if we can modify the parameters to accommodate an enlargement
or clarification of our awareness, that is, is it possible to self-evolve and
continuously expand our potentials for conscious experience?
have determined that such an increase in conscious awareness is not only
possible, but is a requirement for further evolution. But that is all fairly
well-known among serious seekers of scientific, spiritual, and metaphysical
truth. What I wish to emphasis here is that it is high time we saw things for
what they are and what the can be…ourselves specifically.
My premise for you to think about is a
speculative scenario, if you will, regarding our current place in our long line
of evolution. I believe it is necessary to understand our present location in
order to choose the correct direction in which to proceed in order to achieve
the most beneficial evolutionary results. Fair enough?
here it is: We are on a major cusp in our evolution, just like being born on a
certain day might place you on a cusp Astrologically. That means we are right
between two primary places or areas of influence. Our past anthropological
progression has come to fruition in the material sense (perhaps not completely,
but primarily) and we have yet to fully embrace the next level, the
psychological level, of our next phase, the next level of our potentiality.
offer that that is why things seem so up in the air, our problems so
unsolvable. We are on a cusp…on the edge afraid to fly…not yet able to fly.
We can’t stay in the nest, but our wings are as yet not sufficiently developed
to render us safely airborn. That’s a pretty scary place to be. But isn’t it
better to know?
Column made by George Kinney/2013
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http://psychedelicbaby.blogspot.com /2013
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