‘Magical Metamorphosis Third Eye’ by Hibushibire | Album Premiere

Uncategorized November 29, 2023

‘Magical Metamorphosis Third Eye’ by Hibushibire | Album Premiere

Exclusive album premiere of ‘Magical Metamorphosis Third Eye’ by Osaka three piece Hibushibire, out December 1, 2023 via Riot Season Records.

Following the successes of their debut album ‘Freak Out Orgasm!’ (2017), the follow up ‘Turn On, Tune In, Freak Out’ (2019) and two very well received UK tours, the band headed home to Osaka, Japan and then, the pandemic hit. During this downtime, guitarist/vocalist Changchang decided to create a new power trio. Enter Tetsuji Toyoda (bass/vocals) and Aoi Hama (drums/vocals). The new trio have spent the last three years writing new music, playing live and honing their sound in Japan, and a short well received tour of Taiwan with Riot Season labelmates Dope Purple. And now finally, Hibushibire mark II is born properly.

Entering the studio with Acid Mothers Temple/Mainliner guru Makoto Kawabata in the producer chair once again, the band recorded album number three, ‘Magical Metamorphosis Third Eye’. Makoto also adds some of his own trademark guitar howls throughout the album, perfectly complimenting Changchang’s own growing prowess. Here the band have taken their trademark psych-rock blasts and blended them perfectly with some more trippy, dare I say sweet psychedelic sounds, which at times echo prime Gong on side two’s 20 minutes epic ‘Ayahuasca Witch Abduction’.

“The idea of this album is based on the theme of “occultism and mysticism.” But it’s not a serious thing, it’s about the things we like (UFOs, pyramids, psychic phenomena, shamanism etc) and we all had fun while making it. In terms of what makes it different from the previous Hibushibire albums, it’s where AOI HAMA’s vocals are present. I had wanted to use a female vocalist for a long time, so it was a good feeling!”

Like the band’s first two albums, ‘Magical Metamorphosis Third Eye’ is very much an album of two halves. Side one again is full of killer shorter tracks, while side two is reserved for a blinding majestic 20 minute epic ‘Ayahuasca Witch Abduction’.

Which I can’t wait to hear live. It’s clear with the line up changes, Changchang has decided to expand the band’s musical pathway, and he’s achieved stunning results. The band plan to return to the UK and Europe in 2024 to see friends old and new.

Hibushibire Official Website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Bandcamp / YouTube
Riot Season Records Official Website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Bandcamp / YouTube / Soundcloud

‘Turn On, Tune In, Freak Out!’ by Hibushibire

Hibushibire interview

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