
Uncategorized April 3, 2024


freq444 is a Brussels electronic duo consisting of Alex Coenegrachts and Laurens Fraussen.

They share a common love for UK bass, breakbeat, IDM, jungle, and dubstep. Besides creating their own productions, they also host radio shows and operate their own record label called “no id.”

“It was very dystopian”

freq444 is a duo. What’s your relationship with each other? Are you cousins?

Alex: Yes, we are cousins. We grew up in Limburg and moved to Brussels after COVID-19. We started making music together during the lockdown. Laurens had been sending me a lot of his productions in the years prior, and I kept telling him to release them, but he never did. So during COVID-19, I proposed to him that we start working together.

Which music tastes do you have in common?

We share a love for various genres. Laurens has always liked drum and bass (DNB) and more bass-heavy music, while I grew up with a lot of electro and post-dubstep.

You have released two EPs so far. How did your music evolve between the first and the second EP?

‘Lost Flight,’ our debut EP, is definitely our COVID-19 record. As I mentioned, we began working together during the first lockdown when I was still living in Paris, where measures were very stringent. I could not leave my apartment for more than 30 minutes every day, only to do groceries. It was very dystopian, and working on the birth of freq444 with Laurens provided a spark of light at the end of the tunnel. Later, during the second lockdown, I moved back in with my parents, and Laurens was also back in our hometown, so we were living just 5 minutes apart. Since we weren’t allowed to do much else, we spent time in the studio together every single day. Looking back, it was a very calm and peaceful time for me. Life was quite simple; we would just make music all the time. Obviously, at the time itself, everybody had to deal with a lot of challenges, but working on “Lost Flight” helped with that.

What’s the difference between the first and the second EP? Can you compare the two?

For us, the difference between ‘Lost Flight’ and ‘Dispersion’ is significant. ‘Lost Flight’ is a true reflection of the dystopian period it was created in. Clubs were closed during that time, which is reflected in the tracks; they’re not really designed for the dance floor. With ‘Dispersion,’ on the other hand, we aimed to make an impact in a club setting while staying true to the common ideas we both had about what freq444 stands for.

Which elements did you take from the first EP to the second one? And what did you leave behind?

We didn’t deliberately take any elements with us or leave elements behind between the two EPs. Whatever sonic evolution occurred was rather organic.

There’s a small “break” between the first and the second EP. Why is that?

The break between ‘Lost Flight’ and ‘Dispersion’ was to focus on the creation of our label, “no•id.” The process of releasing ‘Lost Flight’ was very challenging, as we were entirely dependent on the schedule of the record label. So after that experience, we wanted to self-release our next EP. However, instead of just putting out a random release on Bandcamp, we decided to create a label. Starting a label required much more effort than expected. Additionally, being perfectionists, everything had to be right from the beginning, which made things take a bit longer than expected.

Should I read the label name as “no idea”?

Yes, you read it as “no idea.”

Do you or Laurens work on solo stuff?

At the moment, neither of us is pursuing solo projects. Our full focus right now is on freq444 and no•id. However, in the future, there’s always the possibility of working on personal projects.

I hear elements from ambient, UK bass, breakbeat, and IDM in your music, but also jungle and dubstep. Could you replace genre names with artist names?

Ambient – Dylan Henner, UK bass – Burial, Breakbeat – Special Request, IDM – Aphex Twin, Jungle – Dillinja, Dubstep – Everything on Deep Medi…

What does the name freq444 refer to?

freq444 doesn’t refer to anything specific. Laurens came up with it out of nowhere; it was some value of a parameter of one of our synths. I was like, “Hmm, okay, why not.” If we could do it again, we would probably have put more thought into our name, as it’s not always easy to explain the pronunciation (frequency four-forty-four).

You do production work, concerts, and radio shows. How do these three relate to each other? Do they influence each other?

Live sets showcase our own records live, DJ sets aim to make people dance and to energize the crowd, and radio shows provide an opportunity to share music that we wouldn’t typically play in a club context but still has a significant influence on us. All three platforms serve the same purpose: to create a narrative within the no•id universe. Everything should be interconnected.

Headline photo: Jente Vanbrabant

freq444 Facebook / Instagram
no•id Official Website / Facebook / Instagram / Bandcamp

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