L’Orchidée Cosmique | Interview
L’Orchidée Cosmique is a space fuzz post noise one man band. The project started in 2015 and we recently enjoyed their latest album, entitled ‘M87*’.
“My own path between Pink Floyd’s first era and post-metal bands.”
Would you like to talk a bit about your background?
Flo: I had the chance to start making music at a very young age by taking drums and saxophone lessons. Then, in the early 2000s, I gradually became more interested in music, by listening to more different artists and learning how to play the electric guitar. As a logical continuation, I’ve been into my first bands in high school and I never stopped playing!
What do you consider to be your first real exposure to music?
Without a doubt my parents, who listen to a lot of music, and then brought me to concerts when I was very young.
How would you describe your sound?
With l’Orchidée Cosmique, I’m drawing my own path between Pink Floyd’s first era and post-metal bands. I try to create a universe evolving around very quiet sounds with lots of reverb/delay, synth layers and things that sound more “fuzzy” – always on the bass guitar, accompanied big beat drums.
Can you share some further details how your latest album music community ‘M87*’ was recorded?
With pleasure! ‘M87*’ was recorded in one day at Warmaudio studio in Décines (near Lyon). The recording, mixing/mastering and some arrangements were made by Mr. Jordan “Joshua” Chefgros.
I prepared the midi drum files and all samples in advance to save time on the D-day. About my sound: we split the Jazz Bass signal into two pedal boards, two guitar amps (Hiwatt combo and Laboga Mr Hector plugged into 212 Orange) and one bass amp (Trace Elliot). There are also two synths (Korg volca key and Arturia Minibrut), used for supracosmic and drony stuff. The songs were composed during lockdown, everything came naturally without restraint.
“If an idea takes a long time to take shape, I throw it away and move on.”
How do you usually approach music making?
By playing a lot. I try to keep on record only what comes easily and naturally. If an idea takes a long time to take shape, I throw it away and move on.
What are some bands/musicians that have a big influence on you?
I have to quote Metallica because they are the ones who made me want to play music as a teenager. Then I would like to quote Mastodon, Converge, Kylesa, Pink Floyd, Sonic Youth, Queens Of The Stone age and The Melvins. A musician that I particularly like is Dave Grohl: the guy does everything from A to Z and always does it well. I would add Mike Patton for his madness and Kurt Ballou for his way of recording and composing!
What are some future plans?
Touring a lot! I really hope things will get better. Also, keeping on with my metal band “The Third Project” where I sing and play power chords on the guitar. Furthermore, I plan on experimenting new things, making more music and never stop learning !
Let’s end this interview with some of your favourite albums. Have you found something new lately you would like to recommend to our readers?
Here is the list of some of my favorite albums. Unfortunately, I have no new discoveries in mind to recommend but I can advise readers to listen to music very loudly, in the dark, eating pickles. A great experience.
‘Crack the Skye’ – Mastodon
‘Ummagumma’ – Pink Floyd
‘No Heroes’ – Converge
‘On Stage!’ – Rainbow
Thank you. Last word is yours.
Thanks to you! I wish you good luck. It’s cool of you to talk about underground music! My last word will be: “Do, Make, Say, Think!” Flo
Klemen Breznikar
L’Orchidée Cosmique Official Website / Facebook / Instagram / YouTube / Bandcamp