
The Building – ‘Just for Once’

June 11, 2019



The Building – ‘Just for Once’

The Building, which here is essentially Anthony LaMarca, lays out a short sentimental EP in the character of unencumbered low-keyed psalms, though Just For Once is far more than that, it’s an emotional journey of spirit and heart, lightly delivered and welcomingly received.

This is an assemblage washed with character and lushness, all counterbalanced by emancipated unexpected guitar work that warmly wraps itself around you, challenging your concept of harmonic beauty, the sort of songs I wish someone would sing to me, numbers filled with a grace and a divine understanding far beyond Anthony’s years.

“Emotional journey of spirit and heart.”

Don’t go thinking that these are dagger in the heart ballads, these are the sort of songs that heal those wounds, the sort of songs belaying the inner connectedness we all feel, yet are are far too emotionally shy to express. I for one am delighted to know that Anthony LaMarca is sitting in a backyard with his guitar somewhere in Ohio, able to center my world so effortlessly.

– Jenell Kesler

The Building – ‘Just for Once’ (2018)

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