
Dead Meadow’s interview about making “Warble Womb”

October 11, 2013



Dead Meadow’s interview about making “Warble Womb”

Warble Womb is the latest release by Dead Meadow. The band had some line-up changes. They are currently on European tour promoting their new album.

How long did it take to record Warble Womb?

A very long time. We recorded the first couple songs before Mark had even moved out to California. We have our own studio so every time we had a couple new tunes together we’d set up mics and record. We love trying all sorts of different things on every song we do and having our own studio meant there was no time limitation. The downside is that having no time limitation means that we tend to move really slowly.

Are you touring with any bands?

Since Three Kings we’ve done tours with Spindrift, the Black Angels, Pink Mountaintops, and the Strangers Family Band. Right now we’re in Europe on our own though.

Is there a concept behind Warble Womb?

Not really. Every record seems to have an overarching feel due to whatever we’re digging on at the time and some lyrical themes often unintentionally reappear but we never set out with a definite plan. I know for me any idea of how I feel a record will turn out is drastically altered and reshaped in my mind countless times during the process.

“To create a separate and inviting space for the listener to enter and enjoy”

How did you decide to use the name “Warble Womb”?

Warble Womb is something we came up one day that just rolled off the tongue nicely and made us smile. It seemed an apt description for what Dead Meadow has always hoped to accomplish with our music. To create a separate and inviting space for the listener to enter and enjoy…A warm vibrating cave to crawl into and hang for awhile.

What was the recording process?

Most of these tunes started with song ideas I was working on. I’d bring them to Steve and Mark and we’d jam on them together until we’d fall into something that felt right, something that felt like Dead Meadow. Once we had a few songs together and we’d set up and track them. It’s always real important for us to get a real solid live take with all three of us doing our thing. From there we’d add whatever overdubs and weird shit we felt like adding. We definitely stretched out a bit in the studio on this one. “1000 Dreams” came from a song idea I was working on with Imaad Wasif.

You’re currently touring Europe with lot’s of dates.

Yes there certainly are a lot of dates. We’re in the middle of this tour as I’m writing this. It’s really great to be back over here and playing for so many people. It’s is grueling though and tough to be away from home and our loved ones.

Where can we purchase the latest album?

The album was released on Oct 7th In Europe. Digital and CDs are available. I think the LP should be ready within a week or two. It took a bit longer in production. I’m glad this motherfucker is finally out there for the people to hear.

We are really looking forward to hear the new album and catch you on tour. Do you have any last words for It’s Psychedelic Baby readers?

Well guys, check out our new record…I hope ya dig it…And remember to “Enjoy yourself, these are the good times you will look back fondly on in the years to come.”

– Klemen Breznikar

Dead Meadow interview with Jason Simon

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