‘Orange Halos’ by Ambassador Hazy | New Album, ‘The Door Between’

Uncategorized June 6, 2023

‘Orange Halos’ by Ambassador Hazy | New Album, ‘The Door Between’

Exclusive video premiere of ‘Orange Halos’ by Ambassador Hazy, taken from the recent album, ‘The Door Between’, out via Cardinal Fuzz & Feeding Tube Records.

Following last year’s much loved and long sold out ‘The Traveler’ Ambassador Hazy is back with ‘The Door Between’ (the title taken from an old detective novel) which is a perfect metaphor for album’s explorations into consciousness and perception, seeing the connectedness between all things while also embracing one’s solitude and separation from others. Themes that were amplified as the record was recorded alone in a basement during a pandemic. With some new mics and toys featuring on this recording, Sterling experiments a bit more with recording techniques and different sounds which bring about a more overtly psychedelic sound than on ‘The Traveler’ and with a few songs being more explicitly drug related (and or induced). The Door Between is about being an outsider, or at least that feeling of being outside of things and the ways one might find connection be that through drugs, music, love.

So while ‘Orange Halos’ starts the proceedings the overtly upbeat and infectious melodies we have come to know and love from Ambassador Hazy – by the time you reach ‘Going Down’ you are dropped into Martin Rev/Suicide synth/drum machine head trip.

Ambassador Hazy Facebook / Instagram  / Bandcamp
Feeding Tube Records Official Website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Bandcamp
Cardinal Fuzz Facebook / Twitter / BandcampBigcartel

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